EAGC imparts knowledge and skills to fight aflatoxin

The Grain Business Institute conducted a two- day Aflatoxin Detection, Testing and Control Training at the Emory Hotel in Nairobi, from 22nd – 24th June 2022.

The training targeted grain warehouse operators and traders who are prone to aflatoxin contamination incidences. It sought to create an understanding of how aflatoxin is formed and develops into toxic and harmful levels; train skills on grain quality control; conduct grain quality standards checks on aflatoxin; sampling for and aflatoxin testing; and safe elimination of contaminated grain.

The training entailed a hybrid format with a virtual presentation by iGRAIN on detoxification of grain using Toxi scrub system. This grain processing solution reduces the Aflatoxin concentration in the grain to the legislative maximum using the ozone for this process.

Elsewhere at the Busia One stop Border post, GBI in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) Uganda and the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) conducted a training to Busia women cross border traders on quality standards and export procedures and processes. The training aims at improving the quality of grain traded by women and further fastening the process of trade by meeting border requirements, and consequently increasing the volume of grain traded.