On 20th July 2022, EAGC in partnership with the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) hosted the Aflasafe Investor Forum for Zambia. The Forum brought together key agribusiness stakeholders, primarily from the private sector but also from government and development partners, to showcase the business opportunity presented by Aflasafe in Zambia and attract prospective investors. Over 45 stakeholders attended the forum, these being existing manufacturers of Aflasafe in Eastern Africa, food testing and inspection companies, grain trading companies, food processors and millers, seed and agro-input companies, research organizations and government regulators.

Mbaazi Avenue, Off King’ara Road
P.O Box 218-00606, NAIROBI
Cell: +254733444035 /710607313
E-mail: grains@eagc.org