Grain Watch Report – Q3, 2024

The report provided a comprehensive analysis of the grain commodity market across Eastern Africa. Key areas of focus included regional climate and crop conditions, country-specific outlooks, cross-border trade dynamics, price movements, and future projections. The primary commodities analyzed were maize, sorghum, rice, millet, and dry beans. The cross-border trade data and market price data in the report were sourced from EAGC-RATIN and FEWSNET.

In Q3 2024, Eastern Africa’s grain production was shaped by varying rainfall patterns. In Kenya, early rains in the north and central regions contrasted with poor rainfall in eastern areas, affecting Long Rains sorghum harvests. Land preparation for Short Rains cereals was ongoing, but forecasted below-average rainfall would lower yields. In Kenya’s Rift Valley, erratic rains delayed maize harvests, tightening supplies. Adequate rainfall in the unimodal western region helped, but 2024 maize production was expected to fall by 5–10% below average due to poor coastal outcomes. Uganda’s first-season harvest was favorable, and second-season planting was progressing well. In Rwanda, dry conditions threatened Season A maize planting, while Burundi and Tanzania prepared for planting.

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